Forum Comments

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Aydin on 16/08/2013 at 12:56

Hi thanks for your feedback. Prior to launching the app we did spend many weeks testing the app with a variety of devices and it's unfortunate your experiencing these issues. It sounds like it may be due to a bad Internet connection at that moment in time. Please could you retest and let us know if it is a consistent issue for you. Regarding scrolling this is also unusual as we didn't have any issues throughout the testing phase. We are looking to improve the scrolling in the next version to make it smoother which will hopefully fix your issue at the same time. We apologise for the issues your having and hopefully the next update will resolve the issues. If there are any features you would like to see in the coming releases please let us know. Thanks

Deemer on 15/08/2013 at 09:40

The app seems to be very glitchy. Majority of sections seem to have some sort of error or scrolling problem. In the workout section it did not register and allow me to enter my own workouts. I know this is a newer app so I hope your next update will address many of the short comings. App has potential I just wish maybe there was more time spent on addressing the basic features before releasing to the public. I do like what you're doing with this and wish nothing but the best