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Charlie on 17/04/2014 at 03:23

Drinking Wine every evening will definately create more of a challenge for your weight loss programme. Although red wine does have many beneficial alities it is counter productive for weight loss. Avoiding alcohol is the best option but ther are lower calorie alcohol alternatives such is vodka and soda.

Viraj on 25/07/2013 at 09:00

Thanks Jana!

Jana Mathews on 25/07/2013 at 02:33

It will definitely have a negative affect on weight or fat loss as you are looking at an excess of up to 1000 calories a week (depending on how big your glass is). If you are hoping to decrease your body fat we recommend limiting alcohol to the weekend and allowing yourself 2x6oz glasses. Provided you are exercising effectively and your nutrition during the week is where it needs to be you will still manage to see some good results.