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Jana Mathews on 18/07/2013 at 05:55

It will highly depend on the person but calorie counting is not as important as the type of calories you are consuming. Our clients get the best results not by drastically limiting calories but by ensuring they are eating nutrient dense foods and certain foods are avoided at specific times of day. For example, generally carbs (from grains, potatoes and fruit) should be consumed before 4pm in the afternoon (or minimum 6 hours before bed), with your carb rich meal being lunch. Breakfast should be protein rich to limit cravings for sugar/fat later in the evening. And your real enemy to weight loss is start looking at food labels and limit sugar consumption.

Gloria on 13/07/2013 at 05:01

You need to eliminate 500 kcal per day to loose one LB per week. This isn't as hard as it sounds. For example, if you image one glass of juice and a donut or muffin, that's equivalent to about 500 kcal. Alternatively, you can increase your physical activity.