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Vince on 02/01/2013 at 02:15

To enhance musculature in your legs, try to find exercises that target specific muscles in the thighs, hips, and legs.
-Deep squats, Unilateral stiff leg deadlift (emphasize contracting the glutes), etc.
-Stiff leg deadlifts (DB/BB), Machine leg curls, etc.
Quadriceps (front of thigh):
-Bulgarian split squats, conventional split squats, lunges, scissor squats, etc.
-Standing/seated calf raises

I hope this helps! Those are very effective and simple exercises that you can do in a gym or in the comfort of your own home! If you have further questions, contact me on GymChum or via my website at or @titanathlete (Twitter)

Maggie on 06/11/2012 at 07:58

Running does wonders for me! Simple and effective

Jo on 27/10/2012 at 04:49

Does anyone have any tips for firming up my legs?